February 4, 2025
Sarah Kaplan’s work is discussed in Behavioral Scientist. “To make progress in achieving gender equality, we...
Read more
January 22, 2025
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Financial Times about making research have impact on policy and practice....
January 21, 2025
Sarah Kaplan discusses in El Mostrador how DEI initiatives can have a positive impact on the bottom line if they are...
December 17, 2024
Sarah Kaplan quoted in AB Magazine about how leaders need to demonstrate in a meaningful way that they are meeting the...
October 29, 2024
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Globe and Mail about career trajectories for women....
August 15, 2024
Sarah Kaplan receives lifetime career achievement award recognizing long-term, significant contributions in linking...
July 7, 2024
Sarah Kaplan speaks to CBC news about the importance of LGBTQ+ representation in the media....
February 22, 2024
Sarah Kaplan’s coauthored work on remote work and inequality published in Forbes....
February 15, 2024
Sarah Kaplan’s work on how to implement corporate purpose discussed in Forbes....
February 3, 2024
Sarah Kaplan quoted in the Globe and Mail on the new pay transparency results....
January 30, 2024
Le conflit entre Vêtements de Sport Gildan et ses actionnaires démontre les risques qui peuvent entourer la...
January 29, 2024
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Toronto Star about the role of the board in CEO succession planning....
January 14, 2024
Sarah Kaplan comments for Forbes on leadership lessons from Greta Gerwig’s massive success with the Barbie movie....
August 24, 2023
Sarah Kaplan will speak on diversity on boards at an Ontario Securities Commission roundtable....
June 4, 2023
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Quatre 95 about feminist finance (en Français)...
May 5, 2023
Sarah Kaplan featured in Global News article on poverty among older women....
May 2, 2023
Our work on Gender Analytics for inclusive product, service and policy design is featured in the Globe and Mail....
April 6, 2023
Sarah Kaplan speaks to CBC Radio about pay transparency (starting at 1hr26m)....
March 24, 2023
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Globe’s Report on Business about the need for sustained effort to achieve diversity in...
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Globe and Mail about the lack of urgency for gender equity in the Canadian corporate sector....
February 22, 2023
Sarah Kaplan talks to GlobalNEWS about the doublebind that women political leaders face....
February 14, 2023
Sarah Kaplan joins the board of directors of GLAD (GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders)...
January 25, 2023
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Fast Company about the impact of reduced diversity on the products and services tech cos design....
January 10, 2023
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the CBC about the under-representation of qualified women in the Order of Canada appointments....
December 20, 2022
Canadian Press consults Sarah Kaplan on the importance of employer fertility treatment benefits....
December 19, 2022
Sarah Kaplan weighs in on questions of board overlap for the Globe and Mail....
November 20, 2022
The Financial Post covers Sarah Kaplan’s award in the professionals category of WXN Top 100 most powerful women...
November 11, 2022
Sarah Kaplan talks in this CityNewsTV interview about how to close the gender wage gap....
November 10, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to CityNews about what will really close the gender wage gap....
October 27, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Canadian Business about how women aren’t hesitating to leave their companies if they have...
October 19, 2022
Sarah Kaplan is one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women for 2022....
September 20, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to NPR’s Marketplace about how “neutral” layoff policies can have unintendedly...
Sarah Kaplan speaks to TechWire about how firms can level the playing field for marginalized groups during layoffs....
September 16, 2022
Sarah Kaplan spoke with Canadian Business about disparities in the entrepreneurship space....
August 22, 2022
Sarah Kaplan received the 2022 Scholarly Contributions to Educational Practice Advancing Women in Leadership Award from...
July 21, 2022
Wired magazine features Sarah Kaplan in discussing the impacts on diversity of a tech industry downturn....
July 15, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Globe and Mail about new governance standards and board independence....
June 20, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Forbes about the unintended consequences of the business case for diversity....
May 24, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Toronto Star about the good and the unintended consequences of paid menstrual leave....
May 16, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Business Insider about the potentially negative effects on diversity of a tech industry slow...
May 10, 2022 highlights GATE’s new report on the care economy (co-authored by Sarah Kaplan)...
Press release featuring Sarah Kaplan and coauthors’ new report on the care economy...
May 6, 2022
Sarah Kaplan comments to CBC news about corporate strategies in the face of US abortion bans....
May 3, 2022
Sarah Kaplan quoted by CBC News on the value of posting salary ranges in job ads....
April 28, 2022
CBC’s The National interviews Sarah Kaplan about the benefits of publishing salary bands in job ads....
April 22, 2022
Sarah Kaplan’s article on how social responsibility produces resilient organizations is a top 10!...
March 28, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Guardian about the work that still needs to be done to achieve affordable childcare in...
March 24, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Lowest about the value of Gender Analytics in product and service design....
360º Corporation, News
March 18, 2022
The Italian edition of 360º Corporation is reviewed by the Pirelli Foundation....
Brazil’s HSM Management shares Sarah Kaplan’s insights on flexible work and the problems with the business...
March 8, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Vancouver Sun about the gender wage gap and women’s poverty in retirement....
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Forbes about the motherhood penalty, the gender wage gap and more....
February 14, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to City News about the unintended gendered impacts of some austerity measures, including Bill 124....
February 12, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to CTV news about how childcare is a central part of the economic recovery from the pandemic....
January 17, 2022
CBC consults Sarah Kaplan on the true sources of the gender wage gap, and whether pay transparency will help....
January 15, 2022
Sarah Kaplan talks to the Financial Post about how businesses can make things better or worse when time comes to start...
January 7, 2022
Sarah Kaplan comments for CTV about the risk this new round of daycare uncertainty has for women’s careers....
January 4, 2022
Sarah Kaplan comments for the Globe and Mail about the need for constant vigilance in achieving representation of women...
December 13, 2021
The Dey-Kaplan report: 360º Governance was mentioned in this Sustainable Business blog....
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the CBC about the economic costs of menopause and how marketers can take advantage of...
November 5, 2021
Sarah Kaplan is recognized for impact on corporate governance reform with the Peter Dey Governance Achievement Award....
October 22, 2021
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Canadian Press about the pros and cons of paid period leave for people who menstruate....
October 18, 2021
Canadian Lawyer highlights Sarah Kaplan’s comments at the OSC roundtable about the need for specific diversity...
September 22, 2021
Sarah Kaplan’s research on boardroom gender diversity is cited in the Globe and Mail...
In the Globe and Mail, Sarah Kaplan discusses how the main driver of the gender wage gap is job segregation...
September 13, 2021
Sarah Kaplan speaks with the Yahoo/Verizon #ChamberBreakers podcast about the gendered nature of capitalism...
September 1, 2021
Sarah Kaplan talks to the Globe and Mail about how hybrid work models my end up being gendered....
August 1, 2021
Paper with Rachael Goodman on “Work-Life Balance as a Household Negotiation” is “Distinguished...
July 22, 2021
Sarah Kaplan’s discussion with Ken Corts and Soo-Min Toh is published in Forbes India....
July 19, 2021
A new online course from Coursera helps participants examine these trade-offs and learn to address them either by...
July 4, 2021
The “360º Governance” report is featured in Canadian Lawyer...
June 28, 2021
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Bloomberg Businessweek about the impact of automation on women’s career paths in banking....
June 7, 2021
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Financial Post about the impact of COVID unemployment on young, racialized women....
June 3, 2021
The “Kaplan-Dey Report” on governance reform is discussed in Lexology....
May 18, 2021
Sarah Kaplan comments to the Globe and Mail about the pros and cons of sunshine wage lists....
April 2, 2021
In Reworked, Sarah Kaplan says that companies need to be public about the ways they are addressing climate change,...
March 29, 2021
360º Governance is featured in Forbes....
March 22, 2021
Kaplan’s 360° Governance report is discussed in IT World Canada....
March 12, 2021
Sarah Kaplan talks with 570 News: politicians and executives discover the hard way that bad behaviour isn’t...
March 7, 2021
Sarah Kaplan discusses in The Star how boards of directors must address political issues more robustly in the COVID...
March 6, 2021
A blog on Lexology features Dey and Kaplan’s “360º Governance” report....
February 24, 2021
The Financial Times quotes Sarah Kaplan about the trend towards more responsible business....
February 22, 2021
Dey and Kaplan’s 360º Governance report is highlighted by The Logic....
The Globe and Mail features Peter Dey’s and Sarah Kaplan’s new 360º Governance guidelines....
February 19, 2021
Policy Options discusses Sarah Kaplan’s work on aligning corporate strategy with social development and...
February 12, 2021
Sarah Kaplan talks to the Calgary Journal about how COVID-19 family demands has led women to adjust their paid...
January 2, 2021
Sarah Kaplan’s work is discussed in CFJC Today’s analysis of the pandemic’s...
December 24, 2020
An article in Forbes cites The 360º Corporation’s recommendations to go beyond superficial greenwashing and...
December 1, 2020
In Vice, Sarah Kaplan emphasizes the importance of applying a gender lens to COVID recovery plans....
November 11, 2020
Sarah Kaplan is quoted in Benefits Canada about the risk of a mass exodus of women from the workforce....
October 8, 2020
Sarah Kaplan says to the Globe and Mail that the idea of merit itself reinforces privilege and keeps others out...
October 5, 2020
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Financial Times about how investors should put pressure on boards to create reporting...
September 3, 2020
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Benefits Canada about how employers will have to accommodate new care work burdens....
September 2, 2020
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Bloomberg BusinessWeek about the long-term impacts of COVID on women’s careers....
August 6, 2020
Great review of L’Impresa à 360º in Sviluppo & Organizzazione describing it as a pragmatic approach to...
July 31, 2020
Sarah Kaplan talks about the Feminist Economy Recovery Plan in Global Citizen....
Sarah Kaplan discusses the Feminist Economic Recovery Plan in Wealth Professional magazine...
July 29, 2020
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Future of Good about why COVID-19 is a crisis that requires a uniquely feminist response....
July 28, 2020
Sarah Kaplan speaks with the Canadian Press about the new GATE/YWCA Feminist Economic Recovery Plan...
Multimedia, News
July 21, 2020
Sarah Kaplan spoke with Gill Deacon on CBC’s Here and Now about the GATE-YWCA Feminist Action Plan for the...
Blogs and op-eds, News
July 13, 2020
Sarah Kaplan spoke with the 30% Club and Women of Influence about building back better from COVID....
June 21, 2020
L’Impresa à 360º is reviewed in Este: Cultura d’impresa: “un approccio fresco e stimolante su un...
June 18, 2020
Sarah Kaplan speaks with HSM Management magazine about the gendered impact of COVID-19....
June 17, 2020
Rotman School professors Sarah Kaplan and Soo Min Toh look to the future for organizations...
June 12, 2020
Sarah Kaplan speaks with Bloomberg News about COVID, inequalities and essential workers....
June 11, 2020
The 360º Corporation reviewed in MercurPress! (in Italian)...
May 23, 2020
Sarah Kaplan’s research on storytelling in strategy making is cited in Entrepreneur magazine (in Spanish)....
April 6, 2020
Sarah Kaplan’s work at GATE is featured in the Rotman Investors’ Report 2019...
March 28, 2020
Sarah Kaplan comments for The Logic that “If companies have to lay people off, this will delay the ability of firms...
March 25, 2020
Sarah Kaplan advises The Logic that a top priority in the COVID crisis is wage subsidies to employers and for...
March 12, 2020
Sarah Kaplan is quoted in the Director Journal about what it means for companies to pursue “purpose.”...
March 9, 2020
Sarah Kaplan is quoted in The Logic about the barriers that women entrepreneurs face....
March 7, 2020
Sarah Kaplan is quoted in La Tercera on how “mansplaining” can damage the careers of researchers....
February 12, 2020
The annual PROSE Awards recognize books of extraordinary merit that make a significant contribution to a field of study...
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the CBC on parental leave and the need for job redesign....
February 11, 2020
“Hay un aspecto de mucho interés propio en lo que están haciendo” dice Sarah Kaplan en BBC Mundo....
February 9, 2020
Sarah Kaplan talks to the BBC about “stakeholder capitalism” and the need for metrics....
January 23, 2020
Sarah Kaplan tells the Toronto Star, It’s more serious if Starbucks commits to changing the economics of that...
January 15, 2020
In Forbes: The 360º Corporation is “a more realistic road map for creating the corporation of the future.”...
December 5, 2019
In the Globe and Mail: “As Kaplan highlights, Canadian companies are using the 1994 Dey report as an excuse to...
November 16, 2019
The 360º Corporation is featured in a Corriere della Sera article on sustainability (Italian)....
October 28, 2019
Kaplan’s work is cited in the Manila Bulletin: “conflicting goals often serve as an opportunity for...
October 25, 2019
Kaplan says to Pivot Magazine that companies are not yet doing all of the work needed to include people of all genders....
October 19, 2019
The Financial Times reviews The 360º Corporation: All business involves trade-offs — the key is how to innovate and...
October 17, 2019
Sarah Kaplan tells the Financial Times that “Because gig jobs lack many legal, social and financial protections, they...
September 30, 2019
In her recent essay on shareholder primacy (The Globe and Mail), Sarah Kaplan asks a timely question: “Where does...
September 27, 2019
Sarah Kaplan tells Greedy Rates “Our current system of savings, retirement, and investments, and the way banks treat...
September 24, 2019
Sarah Kaplan is quoted in The Globe and Mail saying that expecting corporate CSR to justify itself financially is...
September 23, 2019
The Financial Times consults Sarah Kaplan on how companies in search of greater purpose can innovate around trade-offs....
September 3, 2019
The Christian Science Monitor consults Sarah Kaplan on how CEOs who recently embraced a “stakeholder” business...
August 28, 2019
Sarah Kaplan says in The Star, having children can result in “job segregation,” a much bigger culprit for pay...
August 27, 2019
Kaplan warns in the Financial Times that implicit bias training may be “well-intentioned but can be...
August 14, 2019
Sarah Kaplan is interviewed by Forbes: you need that space to come up with the right questions before you apply all of...
In this Globe and Mail op ed, Sarah Kaplan and pay equity commissioner Emanuela Heyninck show how Canada can play a...
August 8, 2019
Forbes discusses the value of creating a 360 Corporation for rural economic development....
July 27, 2019
Kaplan tells the Financial Times, “What if we thought of diversity as an innovation problem — making this...
July 22, 2019
Kaplan tells BNN Bloomberg that AI “bots might actually be amplifying bias” in HR processes....
Kaplan tells CBC radio that mansplaining is a big problem in workplaces. She shares some solutions that companies and...
July 17, 2019
Sarah Kaplan’s work on moving beyond the business case for inclusion is discussed in IN magazine. “In...
June 10, 2019
Sarah Kaplan comments for Bloomberg BusinessWeek on the swing of public sentiment against Big Tech over the past year...
Sarah Kaplan writes with colleague Geoff Leonardelli for The Star that diversity is not the same as inclusion when it...
Sarah Kaplan speaks with The Star about the “pink tax” or gender-based pricing: it means women end up paying...
Bill C-25 includes a “comply or explain” provision to improve diversity on corporate boards. On December 6, 2017,...
Sarah Kaplan comments for the Financial Post on what companies are doing to market to women who make up 50% of the...
Sarah Kaplan talks with CBC business news about how pay transparency could narrow the wage gap between men and women...
Speaking on CBC television, Sarah Kaplan discussed the role that women’s only workplaces can play in the era of...
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Huffington Post about how male colleagues and supervisors are using #MeToo to avoid...
Sarah Kaplan appears on TVO’s The Agenda to talk about the role of the corporation in society....
Kaplan joined other experts on TVO’s The Agenda to discuss “Grocery Store Wars” looking at some of the major...
Kaplan tells the Financial Times, “It is absolutely not about ‘teaching women…this idea allows firms to...
June 9, 2019
The Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour) joined Director Sarah Kaplan for a...
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Global News about the gender wage gap. “Sarah Kaplan, professor at the Rotman School of...
Sarah Kaplan is quoted by Global News on the North American trade negotiations. “Article 23.9 lays out policies...
CTV News quotes Sarah Kaplan about socially conscious advertising: “The ad places Gillette among handfuls of...
The Globe and Mail quotes Sarah Kaplan who “argues that real change rests on making structural reforms to company...
Wired magazine reports that “When Sarah Kaplan, professor of gender and the economy at the University of Toronto,...
Scitech Europa reports that Profs. Sonia Kang and Sarah Kaplan offer five gender equality solutions for medicine and...
Sarah Kaplan and Nancy Wilson (CEO of Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce) contribute to The Globe and Mail on...
Sarah Kaplan speaks to The Globe and Mail about the 2019 federal budget....
June 1, 2019
Sarah Kaplan speaks with VICE about how MBA culture needs to change in order to increase the numbers of women in...
In this Globe and Mail op-ed, Sarah Kaplan and law professor Aaron Dhir suggest that quotas might be the only way to...
May 3, 2019
Kaplan’s research on organizational change is cited by the Financial Times to explain how outmoded habits are...
April 19, 2018
Gender and the economy will be the focus of a new research institute at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of...
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