April 22, 2022
Sarah Kaplan’s article on how social responsibility produces resilient organizations is a top 10!...
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March 28, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Guardian about the work that still needs to be done to achieve affordable childcare in...
March 24, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Lowest about the value of Gender Analytics in product and service design....
360º Corporation, News
March 18, 2022
The Italian edition of 360º Corporation is reviewed by the Pirelli Foundation....
Brazil’s HSM Management shares Sarah Kaplan’s insights on flexible work and the problems with the business...
March 8, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the Vancouver Sun about the gender wage gap and women’s poverty in retirement....
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Forbes about the motherhood penalty, the gender wage gap and more....
February 14, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to City News about the unintended gendered impacts of some austerity measures, including Bill 124....
February 12, 2022
Sarah Kaplan speaks to CTV news about how childcare is a central part of the economic recovery from the pandemic....
January 17, 2022
CBC consults Sarah Kaplan on the true sources of the gender wage gap, and whether pay transparency will help....
January 15, 2022
Sarah Kaplan talks to the Financial Post about how businesses can make things better or worse when time comes to start...
January 7, 2022
Sarah Kaplan comments for CTV about the risk this new round of daycare uncertainty has for women’s careers....
January 4, 2022
Sarah Kaplan comments for the Globe and Mail about the need for constant vigilance in achieving representation of women...
December 13, 2021
The Dey-Kaplan report: 360º Governance was mentioned in this Sustainable Business blog....
Sarah Kaplan speaks to the CBC about the economic costs of menopause and how marketers can take advantage of...