June 10, 2019
Kaplan tells the Financial Times, “It is absolutely not about ‘teaching women…this idea allows firms to...
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June 9, 2019
The Hon. Patty Hajdu (Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour) joined Director Sarah Kaplan for a...
Sarah Kaplan speaks to Global News about the gender wage gap. “Sarah Kaplan, professor at the Rotman School of...
Sarah Kaplan is quoted by Global News on the North American trade negotiations. “Article 23.9 lays out policies...
CTV News quotes Sarah Kaplan about socially conscious advertising: “The ad places Gillette among handfuls of...
The Globe and Mail quotes Sarah Kaplan who “argues that real change rests on making structural reforms to company...
Wired magazine reports that “When Sarah Kaplan, professor of gender and the economy at the University of Toronto,...
Scitech Europa reports that Profs. Sonia Kang and Sarah Kaplan offer five gender equality solutions for medicine and...
Sarah Kaplan and Nancy Wilson (CEO of Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce) contribute to The Globe and Mail on...
Sarah Kaplan speaks to The Globe and Mail about the 2019 federal budget....
June 1, 2019
Sarah Kaplan speaks with VICE about how MBA culture needs to change in order to increase the numbers of women in...
In this Globe and Mail op-ed, Sarah Kaplan and law professor Aaron Dhir suggest that quotas might be the only way to...
May 3, 2019
Kaplan’s research on organizational change is cited by the Financial Times to explain how outmoded habits are...
April 19, 2018
Gender and the economy will be the focus of a new research institute at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of...